Tset Supporter

Thomas Dieringer

Serial Entrepreneur & Investor

Thomas Dieringer is a successful serial entrepreneur and has built up and sold three companies in the last 30 years. He invests in innovative SaaS companies where he contributes his expertise. He has already calculated product costs in the 1990s and knows about the pressure of the industry due to shorter development cycles, lack of skilled workers, cost pressure and CO2 requirements.

Thomas Dieringer founded the IT company Ecodata as a Nixdorf partner in 1988, which was sold to a predecessor company of itellingence in 1994. He later took over and built up a plastic injection moulding company, which was a supplier to the automotive and electronics industries and was sold to the Swedish Nolato Group in 2000. In 2001, he founded the SaaS company POOL4TOOL, which merged with SciQuest in 2017 and has since been in the market as JAGGAER. After the sale of the company to CINVEN (2019), and his exit (2021), he is a business angel for SaaS startups, contributing his expertise on marketing and sales, purchasing and supply chain.

Why are you involved with Tset? What caught your interest in Tset?

Already in 1995 I had developed a simple product cost calculation in Excel. With my Saas company POOL4TOOL, we tried to integrate functions of a product cost calculation into the purchasing software. Therefore, I know the complexity and find it exciting how Tset has solved this problem with an innovative and user-friendly solution.

What new requirements can be expected in cost engineering?

New technologies, almost always accompanied by more electronics and software, are constantly changing production processes.

A new factor that is increasingly prominent is the continuous optimisation of products to achieve a reduction in the use of resources and greater sustainability, while at the same time reducing costs.
Thomas Dieringer
Serial Entrepreneur & Business Angel

Why is Tset relevant - in the industry and society in general?

Tset creates possibilities that never existed before: on the one hand, in the efficiency with which a detailed button-up calculation can be created. On the other hand, it offers the accompanying analysis and decision-making tools that make it possible to produce products more efficiently and sustainably.

Where do you see the biggest challenges facing the industry?

Shorter development cycles, fewer specialised personnel, high cost pressure and the requirement to lastingly reduce the CO2 footprint are relevant topics worldwide. Every company is confronted with these issues and must therefore look for solutions to make manufacturing know-how available for development, purchasing, sales and controlling.

Every company in the industry must look for solutions to make manufacturing know-how available for development, purchasing, sales and controlling: in a fast & efficient way.

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